Monday 25 October 2010

Wardrobe for the week

In a moment of joyous organisation yesterday, I worked out every day's outfit for this week, to shave valuable minutes off the morning faff. This could now go one of two ways: I will either have a stress-free start to every day thanks to not having to worry about what to wear, or I will suddenly decide one morning that I don't want to wear my allocated outfit for the day, and will then wonder whether I ought to stick to the plan, or deviate.

I suppose the merits of weekly wardrobe planning can differentiate depending on your style personality. Will I be happier having everything laid out for me, ridding me of my regular 10-minutes' brainache between Snooze button hits where I frantically wonder what to wear that day? Or do I prefer a more relaxed, spontaneous approach to dressing, where I choose what I'm wearing depending on how I feel that day, what mood I'm in, what the weather's like? Hmm, well, we shall see, as I've decided to stick to this week's outfit list and will not allow myself to change my mind. Hopefully, this will, as intended, make life less stressful and more efficient. Either that or I'll be totally frustrated when I have to wear something I'm suddenly not in the mood for. 

What if all my outfits were chosen while I was in a Sunday state of mind and just aren't appropriate once I'm officially back into Work frame of mind? And what if I suddenly feel constrained by my choices – am I exposing myself to sartorial oppression by being forced into an 'outfit box' for the day?! Am I signing the death warrant on fashionable creativity or merely Making Life Easier? I'll let you know on Friday.

So, first up, here's the week's outfits:

Stripy top; black trousers; navy centre-frill top; navy V-neck sweater; tweed trousers; leopard print tunic; black leggings; white and blue striped shirt; boot flare jeans

And here's Monday's offering. Left-bank chic - simple, smart, comfortable, stylish. Four of my favourite words.

Top, market in St Tropez; trousers (turned up), Gap; tights, Falke; brown loafers, Primark

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