Monday 24 January 2011

Wardrobe zen

Over the last couple of weekends, I've been doing a lot of household organisation, as we're hoping to get our flat on the market soon. We've been packing lots of clutter into boxes ready for storage, so the place looks tidier for viewings, and I've been sorting through stacks of paperwork, throwing away old or unwanted items and categorising to make it neater and more accessible. Well, if you apply this principle to your clothing as well as your admin, it's even more satisfying (I'm doing a mini-sort while I store things). There's nothing like an organised wardrobe to make you feel at peace with the world (or is that just for those with OCD tendencies like myself?).

Just imagine opening those wardrobe doors to be faced with clothes that hang neatly and freely; perfectly folded piles of jumpers; shoes beautifully displayed in their pairs and within easy reach, and maybe even jewellery and accessories hanging on padded velvet hangers or showcased on well-proportioned shelves. And drawers with scented liners and dividers for all your lingerie, and a section especially for belts, and a scarf organiser... Ok, running away with myself there, but you get the picture. Doesn't it make you feel zen just imagining it?

Well, I think we owe it to ourselves to make our lives easier and more satisfying by decluttering and reorganising our wardrobe space. Whatever suits your life - storing away last season's clothes and only having this season's on display; hanging your clothes in complete outfits ready to throw on every day; colour-coordinating - do what works for you. Throw out anything you haven't worn in a year or looks tatty, amend hanging hems or anything that needs taking up or dry-cleaning, rewash and iron everything and hang it all on proper hangers - not necessarily the padded ones, as they take up too much space, but wooden ones rather than those horrible freebie wire ones that add extra shoulders to your garments and get all tangled up and make you want to throw a wobbly.

And once you've organised your clothing, you might want to look at investing in a few items that'll make your wardrobe work a little bit harder for you (and will make all your friends jealous as they'll all want a fabulously ordered wardrobe, too). Take a look at the following websites for some inspiration. Personally, I have my eye on the folding template (total OCD joy), rubber hangers (no slipping), boot inserts, drawer dividers and shoe-label software from Practical Princess, and am currently working down the extensive repairs and alterations list offered by Total Wardrobe Care and mentally ticking off all the items I own that need some TLC. Oh, and in my dreams, I'm already designing my Manhattan Closet ready for our new house (see below). Happy sorting, ladies.

Practical Princess ( - wardrobe organisation services, tips and products

Total Wardrobe Care ( - wardrobe organisation, clothing care and repairs - find shoe boxes to store all those Louboutins, £21.52 for 15 boxes

Manhattan Closets ( - have your very own bespoke or walk-in Carrie-style American concept wardrobe system designed just for you

1 comment:

  1. You have given such a very nice information about latest style wardrobe. I really like your all information about wardrobe.
