Last night I went to London's Garrick Theatre with my BFF and our hubbies, to see burlesque goddess Polly Rae starring in The Hurly Burly Show, directed by William Baker, who has worked with Kylie, dontcha know. And wow, it was all feathers, sequins, spangles, Chanel-branded nipple tassels and a whole lotta T&A (that'll be Tits and Ass, said Vegas-style, for the uninformed). We had a fab time, the dancers were amazing and we were just two rows from the front, which meant we saw everything in EXTREME close-up and detail (thank God for waxing).
Regular readers will remember that BFF and myself had a course of Burlesque classes with Polly at the beginning of the year, so we were excited to see Teach up there shaking her thang, teasing the crowd and making sure tongues were firmly in cheeks. There was a moment when we were convinced she'd spotted us and given us a wink, and then, to prove she had indeed seen and recognised us grinning away in the audience, she singled us out and made us shimmy in our seats! But she didn't leave it there, as we were then instructed to stand up and bump 'n' grind in front of the entire theatre audience. Well, we did as we were told, and I just hope we did Polly proud. Needless to say, as thrilled as we were that she'd spotted us, we were red-faced and giggly for the rest of the second half. Two seven-month pregnant burlesque students thrusting away - sober - in front of God knows how many people! The hubbies were mightily amused.
Anyway, I heartily recommend you get yourselves down there for a night of fun, spangles and debauchery. Check it out and book tickets at, and for more on Polly, visit You might just find you're also shimmying away in your seat.
Photo by William Baker |
Camping it up in burlesque class |
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