Friday, 4 February 2011

This week I've been...

WEARING Bump-clingy clothing so I look pregnant rather than just fat, comfy footwear as much as possible and a lot of stripe, for some reason (feeling Riviera-esque?).

USING Enough Bobbi Brown concealer and Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage to cover not just my own undereye shadows and determined blemishes but probably at least three other women's, too.

READING Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts, last weekend's Sunday Times (has anyone ever read a Sunday paper in one go?!), Grazia, Elle and countless preggo and yummy-mummy books.

LISTENING TO Adele's new album in the office over and over again and not really enjoying it much (doesn't anyone have anything else to put on? No, not the Rihanna again, please...). Couldn't decide whether it was really depressing or just too lounge-musicy. Whatevs, just turn it off now.

WATCHING One Born Every Minute, Big Fat Gypsy Weddings, True Blood, Hustle, The Tudors and new Sky Atlantic (and of course adding to my lowbrow viewing schedule with lots of news and current affairs debates to broaden my knowledge. Ahem).

MAINLINING Caffe Nero hot chocolate with whipped cream, Special K bars, Phish Food and Petits Filous. Hmm, that'll be a major sweet tooth then. Apologies in advance to my unborn son's guaranteed future fillings.

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