Now, I'm well aware that I'm a shoe hoarder. I have never been able to limit myself to a capsule footwear collection, preferring instead to just cram every available space in the spare room with wedges, boots, courts, kitten heels, platforms, peep-toes... I seriously have a shoe for every outfit eventuality, and yet this does not stop me from wanting more. There's something about footwear that sets my heart all of a flutter, and there's no comparable feeling to buying a new pair. No top, dress or bag has the same effect on me.
The worst thing about this is that, in my continual need to buy another pair, I have grown an unhealthy obsession with cheap shoes, delighting in a trip to Primarni or New Look or M&S, where you can pick up a Billy bargain of a shoe in your lunch hour (or, in my case, come home complete with FIVE shiny new pairs, as I did one particularly heady, shameful moment that became known among my friends as The Day Of Five Pairs). I'm sure there'll be people out there shrieking in horror at the moral/ecological/false-economical crimes I'm committing here, but there it is. I am a Shoe-a-holic.
And so it came as a bit of a surprise to discover recently that I am also, it appears, a bit of a coat hoarder. I am vaguely aware that perhaps I own one or two more coats than is strictly necessary (this has been brought to my attention on numerous occasions by my husband, bemoaning how impossible it is to enter our spare room for all the jackets hanging on the back of the door preventing it from opening fully). But coats are surely more of a health & safety thing, in that they are necessary to keep you warm, so as far as I'm concerned, they don't really count. But I wasn't aware just how many of these functional items I am actually in possession of, not, that is, until I found myself buying another one last week. Now how did that happen? I'll tell you how it happened. Purchase Justification, that's how.
There I was in Topshop, window shopping, ahem... When, lo, I was all at once standing in front of the most gorgeous camel cape in the entire world. Funnel neck, military buttons, big pockets... My pulse quickened and I had one of those moments where you have to force yourself to saunter casually over towards an item you Must. Have. Now - so as not to appear to be too fussed with it, because that wouldn't be cool. Also, horror of horrors, by rushing over to your feted item, your excitement could potentially prompt an otherwise indifferent bystander to suddenly take an interest in it themselves! So when I finally had the cape in my greedy little mitts, my head was inundated with Purchase Justification:
1. Camel is SUCH a big colour this season (on trend)
2. Classic shape will be in fashion for years (investment)
3. Capes offer room to grow should I get pregnant in future (practical)
4. Funnel neck means no scarf needed (multitasking)
5. Smart enough for evening as well as daytime (versatile)
6. Thick enough to keep me warm but thin enough to wear in spring, too (transseasonal)
7. Easy to wear open when stepping from train to tube to escalator (London-appropriate)
I mean, it's a wonder I haven't bought one before now, because it's quite clear that this camel cape is an essential item in my wardrobe! In fact it makes me feel slightly nauseous that I might have gone through the whole season without owning one. So anyway, where was I? Oh yes, subconscious hoarding. Erm... Did I tell you about my new cape?
Cape, Topshop |